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Serving the UK's Businesses

The UK has the 5th largest GDP globally, despite being the 80th largest nation. It’s Britain’s highly productive, cost-effective and profitable companies that are driving the economy.

  • 5.5 million

    small businesses in the UK

  • 60%

    of employees work in a SME

  • £2.3 trillion

    in estimated business turnover

  • 74%

    of businesses are in the services industry

Our Services

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Business Quote is a specialist service with in-depth industry knowledge to help you find the best solution for your business. We work with leading suppliers to find options that match your specific business need. Our service is designed to make business buying quick, easy and cost-efficient.

Business Mobile Plans

Tailor-made packages with a dedicated relationship manager to allow you and your employees the flexibility they want.

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Business Landlines

Ideal business landline packages that cater to your communication needs.

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Card Payment Machines

A range of payment machines provides you with the flexibility to better serve your customers, no matter where they are located.

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Digital Marketing Agency

Our quick and easy process introduces you to carefully selected providers of Digital Marketing Services.

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Key Person Insurance

It will give your business more financial flexibility. It is also a great way to protect your valuable assets.

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Website Design

It is the foundation of any successful company. That's why it pays off for your website to be designed by professionals. Get a free quote now.

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Partnering with the right provider for your business can help cut costs and simplify how you run your business.

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Business Guides

Curated articles, guides and resources on business topics to help you grow your business.

Top 6 Web Design Agencies in the United Kingdom  

You might want to hire a web design agency because you need a website for your business. However, most don’t hire web design agencies because they don’t know how to find the best one for their business.  Other business owners believe that building a website is too complicated and technical. They don’t know where to

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Website Maintenance Packages: What You Need to Know 

As a business owner, you know the importance of having a website. But what you may not know is that you need a website maintenance package to keep your site running smoothly.  People often don’t know how to maintain their website properly, which can often lead to common challenges. For example, not updating your website

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Smart Ideas for Business Water Rates

Are you looking to manage your business water rates effectively? We can help you find smart ways to reduce costs and make the most of your water usage. Let us guide you with useful tips and ideas.  Business water rates can be managed through various strategies such as water efficiency audits, installing water-saving devices, and

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Industrial Water Solutions

Are you seeking effective industrial water solutions? Our guide will help you understand the best practices and technologies available. Trust us to provide the insights you need to manage your water resources efficiently.  Industrial water solutions encompass a range of technologies and practices designed to manage, treat, and conserve water used in industrial processes. These

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PAX A920 Terminal: Our Review

The PAX A920 terminal has made significant inroads into the British market, thanks to increased recommendations from various payment providers. With its ergonomic design and cutting-edge technology, this smart POS terminal competes robustly with popular models from Ingenico and Verifone. Mobile Transaction has tested the device to assess how well it meets your expectations.  What

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How To Spend Less On Your Business Mobile Plan

Whether you’re a small business just starting out or an established company looking to optimise your mobile phone usage, there are some things that you should be aware of when it comes to signing up for a new contract. The first thing that you need to think about is whether or not the phone and

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What is bOnline?

If you’re looking for a cloud-based telephony provider that offers a range of features and benefits, you might want to consider bOnline. But just like anyone who wants to make sure that they are getting their money’s worth, researching and learning about a service is a crucial first step.  Business owners who don’t know how

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Can I Get a Phone Contract Through my Business?

Are you wondering if you can get a phone contract through your business? You’re in the right place! We’ll guide you through the process and show you the benefits.  Yes, you can get a phone contract through your business. Many providers offer business phone contracts tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, including multiple

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Best WordPress Website Maintenance Packages 

You’ve been running your business website in WordPress for a while now and it’s been a great resource for customers. But over time, your website has started to show its age. You’ve been considering updating it but just haven’t had the time to do it yourself. And even if you did have the time, you’re

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